Selected publications by the QDAS team
Silver C, Bulloch S & Salmona M (forthcoming) Digital Tools for Creative Data Analysis: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Directions. In Kara H (ed.) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Creative Research Methods.
Silver C, Bulloch S & Salmona M (forthcoming) Integrating the online teaching of qualitative analysis methods and technologies: challenges, solutions and opportunities. In Nind M (ed.) Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods. Edward Elgar Publishing
Silver C (2021) Tools for teaching computer assisted qualitative data analysis. MethodSpace article. Sage
Silver C & Woolf N (2021) Ensuring Analytic Strategies Drive the Use of Chosen QDAS program: The Five-Level QDA method. in Paulus T & Lester J Doing Qualitative Research in a Digital World. Sage
Silver C & Lewins A (2020) Computer-Assisted Analysis of Qualitative Research, in Leavy, P (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research, Oxford University Press.
Silver C, Bulloch SL, Salmona M (2020) Critical reflections on the ‘new normal’: Synchronous teaching of CAQDAS-packages online during COVID-19. Editors Notebook. Int. Journal of Social Research Methodology.
Silver C & Woolf N (2019) Case Study: Using the Five-Level QDA Method with Dedoose in Salmona, M., Lieber, E. and Kaczynski, D., Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data Analysis Using Dedoose: A Practical Approach for Research Across the Social Sciences. SAGE.
Silver C & Woolf N (2019) The Five-Level QDA Method. Foundation entry. Sage Methods Foundations.
Nicholas Woolf & Christina Silver (2018) Qualitative analysis using ATLAS.ti: The Five-Level QDA(R) method. Routledge
Nicholas Woolf & Christina Silver (2018) Qualitative analysis using MAXQDA: The Five-Level QDA(R) method. Routledge
Nicholas Woolf & Christina Silver (2018) Qualitative analysis using NVivo: The Five-Level QDA(R) method. Routledge
Christina Silver (2018) CAQDAS at a Crossroads: Choices, Controversies and Challenges. In Costa A et al (eds.) Computer Supported Qualitative Research. ISQR 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 621. Springer, Cham​​
Sarah L Bulloch, Christina Silver & Nigel Fielding (2017) Using Computer Packages in Qualitative Research: exemplars, developments and challenges in Willig, C. & Stainton-Rogers, W. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology.
Christina Silver & Sarah L Bulloch (2016) CAQDAS at a crossroads: affordances of technology in an online environment in Fielding, N. & Lee, R. (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods.
Christina Silver (2016) The value of CAQDAS for systematising literature reviews. Revy. Vol 39(1)
Christina Silver Participatory Approaches to Social Research in Stoneman, P & Gilbert, N (2016) Researching Social Life, 4th Edition, Sage Publications
Christina Silver & Nicholas H. Woolf (2015) From guided-instruction to facilitation of learning: the development of Five-level QDA as a CAQDAS pedagogy that explicates the practices of expert users. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Volume 18, Issue 5
Christina Silver & Christine Rivers (2015) The CAQDAS Postgraduate Training Model: an interplay between methodological awareness, analytic adeptness and technological proficiency. International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Bulloch, S.L. & Rogers, C. (2014) Better Living, Higher Standards: improving the lives of disabled people by 2020. Scope Report.
Rose Lindsey & Sarah Bulloch (2014) A sociologist’s field notes to the Mass Observation Archive: a consideration of the challenges of ‘re-using’ Mass Observation data in a longitudinal mixed-methods study of civic engagement. Sociological Research Online Volume 19 Issue 3 (Special Issue on Mass Observation as Method)
Bulloch, S. L, (2013) Seeking Construct Validity in Interpersonal Trust Research: A Proposal on Linking Theory and Survey Measures, Social Indicators Research, Volume 113, Issue 3, pp 1289-1310
Christina Silver & Ann Lewins (2014, 2nd Edition) Using Software in Qualitative Research: A Step-by-Step Guide, Sage Publications
Christina Silver & Jennifer Patashnick (2011) ‘Finding Fidelity: Advancing Audiovisual Analysis using Software’, FQS 12(1), Thematic Issue: Is Qualitative Software Really Comparable?
Christina Silver & Ann Lewins (2010) ‘Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis’ in Penelope Peterson, Eva Baker, Barry McGaw (Editors), International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol 6, pp 326-334. Oxford: Elsevier
Christina Silver & Nigel Fielding (2008) Using Computer Packages in Qualitative Research, in Willig C & Stainton-Rogers W (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology, London, Sage Publications.
Jennifer L Patashnick and Michael Rich (2005) “Researching human experience: Video Intervention/Prevention Assessment (VIA)” Australasian Journal of Information Systems 12() 103-111
Rich, Michael; Polvinen, Julie; Patashnick, Jennifer L. (2005) “Visual narratives of the pediatric illness experience: Children communicating with clinicians through video” Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America 14 571-587
Bulloch, S. & Headrick, D. (2005) Cross-Jurisdictional Comparison of Legal Provisions for unmarried Cohabiting Couples, Research Findings No. 55, Scottish Executive: Edinburgh.