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MAXQDA video tutorials




The Five-Level QDA Method


Series of step by step MAXQDA tutorials to take you through the process of how to analyse qualitative data with MAXQDA and get the most from the software.  


These MAXQDA videos supplement our textbook Qualitative Analysis using MAXQDA: The Five-Level QDA method.  


They take the key learning points to undertake MAXQDA thematic analysis, bring the Five-Level QDA method to life and help you harness MAXQDA powerfully. 


Videos are organised as follows:

Component Orientation videos supplement the descriptions in Chapter 5 about how each MAXQDA component works - illustrating "what is going on" in the program.


The Harnessing Components videos supplement Chapter 6, demonstrating different ways that the MAXQDA components can be harnessed, and how Analytic Planning Worksheets have been designed and can be used.


The Case Illustration videos supplement the real-world projects described in Chapters 8 and 9 - demonstrating the stages, phases, and analytic tasks undertaken in a literature review and a thematic analysis and how they were accomplished in MAXQDA.


As well as these tutorials, we also provide tailored, face to face or online MAXQDA training for you, either individually, or for groups of researchers. Please see either our coaching or training pages for more information. 


Please note these videos are not intended as stand-alone instruction. They assume you have read the read the relevant sections referred to in the videos as the videos do not repeat this information. If you would like to order a book please see the Routledge website.


Five-Level QDA is a registered trademark. If you are an instructor and would like to use the videos in your courses to accompany the text, please get in touch.

Five Level QDA

Component Orientation Videos in MAXQDA (Ch 5)


These orientations supplement the descriptions in Chapter 5 about how each component works - they let you know "what is going on" in the program. When you need detailed information about operating the programme, you will then be well prepared to consult the latest version of the online MAXQDA Manuals.

Video tutorials for using MAXQDA : index 


click title to jump to video 



Component Orientation (Ch 5)


1.  Introduction to chapter 5

Watch this video first so you have an idea of what to expect from the Component Orientation videos


2. Illustration of components in Microsoft Word

A demonstration of what we mean by components, using the example of cut-and-paste in Microsoft Word. See Chapter 3, page 47, for a full discussion.


3. The MAXQDA interface

An introduction to the parts of the screen and how to navigate around them


4. MAXQDA Documents

An introduction to DOCUMENTS, showing what different types of DOCUMENT look like and some of the actions that can be taken on them.


5. MAXQDA Document Groups & Document-Sets

An introduction to DOCUMENT-GROUPS and DOCUMENT-SETS, showing what they look like and some of the actions that can be taken on them


6. MAXQDA Segments

An introduction to SEGMENTS and some of the actions that can be taken on them


7. MAXQDA Codes

An introduction to CODES, showing what they look like and where they are stored, different ways to create them, and some ways to visualise and interrogate CODES.


8. MAXQDA Coded Segments

A demonstration of how to create, store and retrieve CODED-SEGMENTS, as well as several different ways of interrogating them, using the coding query, matrix browsers and tables


9. MAXQDA Code-sets

An introduction to CODE-SETS: short-cut collections of CODES and shows the actions that can be taken on them.


10. MAXQDA Variable-values

An introduction to VARIABLE-VALUES, showing what they look like and some of the actions that can be taken on them.


11. MAXQDA Comments

A demonstration of COMMENTS, one of the writing spaces within the program.


12. MAXQDA Memos

An introduction to MEMOS, one of the writing spaces within the program


13. MAXQDA Summary

An introduction to SUMMARIES, showing what they look like and how to create and work with them.


14. MAXQDA Maps

A demonstration of MAPS and Creative Coding mode, as well as Models, which are a special type of MAP for visualising associations between components.


15. MAXQDA Charts

A demonstration of the Document Portrait CHART, the Codeline, the Document Comparison CHART, the Statistic of Document Variables CHART and the Statistic of Sub-codes CHART. Other videos in this series show other MAXQDA visualisations, including the Interactive Word Tree, Tag Clouds, Matrix Browsers and MAPS.



The Analytic Planning Worksheet (Ch 6)


16. The strategies levels of the Analytical Planning Worksheet 

A demonstration of the layout and workings of the Analytic Planning Worksheet, focusing on the strategies levels in the top sections of the Worksheet. 


17. The tactics levels of the Analytic Planning Worksheet

A demonstration of the translation of analytic tasks into software tactics, as described in Chapter 6


Case Illustrations (Ch 8 & 9)


18.  Introduction to chapters 8 & 9


19. Case illustration of a straightforward project in MAXQDA : a literature review

A demonstration of a literature review intended for beginning researchers who may not yet have conducted their first research study or used MAXQDA


20. Case illustration of a sophisticated project in MAXQDA : a thematic analysis

Demonstration videos 


Harnessing Components in MAXQDA


21. Introduction to Harnessing Component videos 

Watch this video first so you have an idea of what to expect from the Harnessing Component video. 


22. MAXQDA Code: contrasting uses 

Two real-world project examples to illustrate two contrasting ways of harnessing MAXQDA codes.


M index
M50 heading
M51 intro



Please watch this video first, so you know what to expect from the Component Orientation videos.

Illustration of components in Microsoft Word


This video demonstrates what we mean by components, using the example of cut-and-paste in Microsoft Word. See Chapter 3, page 47, for a full discussion.

M52 illustrate in word
M53 interface

The MAXQDA interface 


This video introduces the different parts of the screen and how to navigate around them. 

M564 document

MAXQDA Document


This video introduces DOCUMENTS, showing what different types of DOCUMENT look like and some of the actions that can be taken on them.

M55 documnt sets

MAXQDA Document-Groups and Document Sets 


This video introduces DOCUMENT-GROUPS and DOCUMENT-SETS, showing what they look like and some of the actions that can be taken on them.

M56 segments

MAXQDA Segments


This video introduces SEGMENTS and reviews component-specific actions relating to SEGMENTS.




This video introduces CODES, showing what they look like and where they are stored, different ways to create them, and some ways to visualise and interrogate CODES.

M58 coded segmens

MAXQDA Coded Segments


This video introduces CODED-SEGMENTS.


Part 1 shows creating, storing and simple retrieval of CODED-SEGMENTS.


Part 2 shows complex retrieval of CODED-SEGMENTS using the Coding Query.


Part 3 shows counting and comparing CODED-SEGMENTS using the Code Matrix Browser, Code Relations Browser and Crosstabs.


Part 4 shows other ways of interrogating CODED-SEGMENTS, using Typology Tables and Configuration Tables.

MAXQDA Code-Sets


This video introduces CODE-SETS, which are short-cut collections of CODES and shows the actions that can be taken on them.

M59 codesets
M510 variable values

MAXQDA Variable Values


This video introduces VARIABLE-VALUES, showing what they look like and some of the actions that can be taken on them.

M511 comment

MAXQDA Comment


This video introduces COMMENTS, one of the writing spaces within the program.

M512 memo



This video introduces MEMOS, one of the writing spaces within the program

M513 summary

MAXQDA Summary


This video introduces SUMMARIES, showing what they look like and how to create and work with them.

M514 maps



This video introduces MAPS.


Part 1 provides a general overview and introduces Creative Coding mode.


Part 2 introduces Models which are a special type of MAP for visualising associations between components.

M515 charts



This video introduces CHARTS.


Part 1 shows the Document Portrait CHART, the Code line and the Document Comparison CHART.


Part 2 shows the Statistic of Document Variables CHART and the Statistic of Sub-codes CHART.


Other videos in this series show other MAXQDA visualisations, including the Interactive Word Tree, Tag Clouds, Matrix Browsers and MAPS.

The Analytic Planning Worksheet (Ch 6)


The following resources supplement the section in Chapter 6 on how Analytic Planning Worksheets have been designed and are used:


An overview of the real-world research project (called the "DMO project") which is used to illustrate the following videos and the accompanying Analytic Planning Worksheets.

M AWP heading

PART 1 - The strategies levels of the Analytic Planning Worksheet


This video demonstrates demonstrates the layout and workings of the Analytic Planning Worksheet, focusing on the strategies levels in the top sections of the Worksheet.


First please download and read the overview of the DMO project which is used in the following resources.

You can also download here a MS Word template of the Analytic Planning Worksheet which can be used as is, or adapted for your needs.


PART 2 - The tactics levels of the Analytic Planning Worksheet


This video focuses on the bottom sections of the Worksheet which facilitate the translation of analytic tasks into software tactics, as described in Chapter 6. 


Please download here the completed Analytic Planning Worksheet/MAXQDA for Phase 3 of the 'DMO project', which is illustrated in the following video.

MAXQDA Case Illustrations (Chs 8 & 9)


These videos are a supplement to the cases illustrations in Chapters 8 and 9. The videos demonstrate the stages, phases, and analytic tasks described in the chapters.

M 8 heading
M8 intro



Please watch this video first, so you know what to expect from the Case Illustration videos

M8 CI simple

Case illustration of a straightforward project: A literature review


The five demonstration videos bring to life the whole project stage by stage. 


We assume that you have watched the Component Orientation videos and read the description of the project in Chapter 8 because the demonstrations do not repeat this information.


This series of videos illustrate MAXQDA 18.

M9 CI sophsticated

Case illustration of a sophisticated project: A thematic analysis


The four demonstration videos bring to life the whole project stage by stage. We assume that you have watched the Component Orientation videos and read the description of the project in Chapter 9 because the demonstrations do not repeat this information.


The two translation videos demonstrate in detail the translation process for two of the analytic tasks listed in Chapter 9, and include a dialogue with the case contributor, Christian Schmeider, about the pros and cons of how the project was conducted in MAXQDA. The associated Analytic Planning Worksheets are downloadable below as PDFs. 


Because there are always different ways to fulfill an analytic task, the two translation videos also demonstrate contrasting ways to translate the same analytic task, and we discuss the pros and cons of each way. 


These two translation videos and their accompanying PDFs will be available soon. Please contact us here if you would like to be informed when these videos are added. 

Harnessing Components in MAXQDA 


This is the final set of videos that is the culmination of the instruction.


Each video demonstrates different ways that the same component can be harnessed. The accompanying PDFs provides the Analytic Planning Worksheets for the demonstrated analytic tasks (see Chapter 6 above for a refresher on Analytic Planning Worksheets).

M harnassing heading
M harnassin intro



This video sets out the objectives for this section of the videos.

M contrasting

MAXQDA Code: contrasting uses


This video refers to Chapter 9, which we recommend you read before watching. Click here if you would like to download the Mini-Case description of the other project discussed in this video. 


Many thanks to Daniel Rasch and Christian Schmeider for making their projects available to us to produce this video.

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