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Workshops and events 

Focussed, live, online workshops where personal interaction and support is key. Limited spots available.

On demand workhops

Self-paced, comprehensive workshops so you can learn in your own time, at your own speed.

Free webinars

Succinct, free introductory webinars to help you familairise and orientate yourself with your chosen software.

Introduction to Dedoose webinar
Introduction to MAXQDA webinar
Introduction to NVivo webinar

Previous events, webinars and other contributions 

NOV 24


Getting the Most out of Qualitative Software: the Five-Level QDA Method

Harness the power within qualitative data analysis software packages, independent of methodology, software package, or mode of learning.

Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, Paola, Malta

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Part of series of lunch and learn online webinars with Provalis Research, he development and implementation of an analysis of international survey data into changing habits during the COVID-19 pandemic using WordStat and QDA Miner.

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Part of series of the QSR NVivo virtual conference, Qualitative Research in a Changing World, this workshop provided critical reflections on the ‘new normal’: Synchronous teaching of CAQDAS-packages online during COVID-19

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The AAPPOR webinar outlines the broad analytic activities dedicated CAQDAS packages are designed to facilitate, provide recommendations for making informed choices between products and illustrate how their creative use can foster high quality analysis, focusing on aspects relating to access, validation and transparency   

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MQIC 2020

Workshop presentation at the MAXQDA International Conference, Berlin, unpacking what expert MAXQDA users unconsciously do when they translate their analytic strategies into MAXQDA tools, regardless of their methodology.




Workshop presentation at the 3rd World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR), Lisbon, describing the genesis and principles of the Five-Level QDA method and how to master the art of harnessing the software in the service of your analytic needs.  



ESRC Methods festival

Workshop presentation at the NCRM Methods Festival, University of Bath describing the genesis and principles of the Five-Level QDA method and illustrating its application in different methodological and teaching contexts using three leading CAQDAS packages - ATLAS.ti, MAXQDA and NVivo.

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ATLAS user conference 2018

Workshop presentation at the ATLAS.ti User Conference focussing on using the Five-Level QDA® method for harnessing ATLAS.ti's tools for your analytic needs. 



MQIC 2018

Workshop as part of the 2018 MAXQDA International Conference providing an introduction to the Five-Level QDA® method, focussing on MAXQDA, which included an overview of Translating analytic strategies into software tactics




Webinar published as part of the IIQM ATLAS.ti webinar series focussing on the principles of Five-LevelQDA, including the difference between strategies and tactics and the process of translation and then illustrating the process using examples from a variety of research projects.

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Oregan State University

Christina Silver & Nick Woolf taught on the advanced sessions on different approaches to qualitative data analysis using ATLAS.ti, during which they discussed the principles of their CAQDAS pedagogy - the Five-Level QDA(R) method - and illustrated its application using three project examples (an in-depth literature review, a grounded theory project and a participatory visual analysis project). 




Presentation at the MAXQDA International Conference in Berlin, aimed at opening up thinking about the potential role of MAXQDA in conducting literature reviews and linking up with primary (and/or secondary) data to result in a more comprehensive and rounded research project.

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Presentation at the International Symposium on Qualitative Research (ISQR2016), Porto, Portugal, discussing the current state of Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS) and the critical issues researchers now face for the future of qualitative data analysis in an increasingly digital world.

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University of Copenhagen

Presentation at the opening of the Digital Social Science Lab at the University of Copenhagen, where Christina focused on the principles of using CAQDAS packages in social science research and discussed the role of software, key considerations in making an informed choice between products, planning for software use and demonstrated some research projects in different CAQDAS packages

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